Common Myths about infertility and the Facts behind them

Here are some common myths about infertility and the facts behind them:

Myth 1: Infertility is a woman’s problem. Fact: Infertility is a shared problem, affecting both men and women roughly equally.

Myth 2: Infertility only affects older people. Fact: Infertility can affect people of all ages, but it becomes more common as people get older.

Myth 3: Stress is the main cause of infertility. Fact: While stress can impact general health, it is not a direct cause of infertility. Infertility is caused by a variety of factors, including medical conditions, age, lifestyle factors, and genetics.

Myth 4: Infertility is a rare problem. Fact: Infertility affects about 15% of couples globally.

Myth 5: Infertility treatments always involve drugs and surgery. Fact: There are many treatment options for infertility, including lifestyle changes, medications, minimally invasive procedures, and assisted reproductive technologies such as IVF. The choice of treatment depends on the specific cause of infertility.

These are a few of the common infertility myths , and it’s important to seek professional advice and support when facing infertility challenges.